Friday, May 6, 2011

Vegetable & Herb Garden

Since we moved into our house almost 3 years ago, it has always been my dream to have a beautiful vegetable garden.  It would be a small area in the back yard and I would plant tomatoes, squash, zucchini, peppers, herbs and anything else.  Then I could go out and pick wonderful fresh vegetables whenever I wanted... Sadly, I started physical therapy school and we brought Lilly home.  The two main reasons that it has never happened.  The past couple years I've planted a few herbs in pots though and this year I decided to expand my container vegetable garden.  I am quite excited about it and not absolutely sure if any vegetables will grow but I am very hopeful!

So today, instead of studying for a final, I decided to plant some vegetables and herbs :)

Cherry Tomatoes
Bell Peppers
 Mint... not sure what to use this for but it smells so good.  Let me know if you have any ideas.
 Lemon Basil
 Here they are :) hope they do well this summer!


  1. I have a very amazing idea for your mint...Virgin MOJITOS!!!!

  2. I know! I loved those we had when we came to visit in Florida, but I have never been able to find the mix stuff here in Tulsa. Do you have a recipe too or do you just use the mixes? Those would be wonderful!
